Sunday, August 28, 2005

A quiet life in the country.

Bellydancing went really well on Tuesday, and I have another class today. I have eight bellydance students now - that's a dance troupe, I say. We need to design ourselves a costume.

Maybe we can have optional pieces to a theme, rather like Centaur Lich's corporate wardrobe?

Thursday night's boxing was cancelled because Rocky's wife, Lil, had to go to a board meeting so Rocky had to stay home with his gorgeous little kids.

On Friday evening there was a voice workshop - four hours with a really talented teacher. It was lots of fun. There were only four of us, and the teacher, Jake and we learnt the songs and vocal percussion for the show at the Bugsplat Town Hall last night.
(We were the choir.)
It was a great little show. It was a musical comedy and the touring company got all the local drama students involved so there was lots of backstage fun and heaps of local kids on stage.

Gray's parents arrived yesterday afternoon for a two week visit, and I only had time to say a quick hello before leaving for dress rehearsal. They did come to see the show, though, and they really enjoyed it. The hall looked beautiful - white table cloths decorated with leafy stems of oranges and lemons. White and red wine from a local vineyard in sparkling glasses. And the amazing supper dishes that the Bugsplat Arts Association create for these events.

I really like this little town.



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