Human Jukebox.
I did the Human Jukebox thing - brought all my books and put out a hat. The money raised goes to the Food Co-op - they're trying to buy the building they currently rent. People were very encouraging and nice - and they requested all kinds of songs. I played "In the Pines" (We shiver when the cold wind blows.), "Careless Love", "Must I go bound", "Arise, Arise", "Foggy Dew", "On the Banks of the Roses.", "Greenland Whale Fisheries Song", "Jealous Guy" (We sing "the jealous type"), "Shores of Botany Bay", "Sweet Chariot", "Ramona", "One more cup of coffee", "Tom Paine" and "The Plains of Emu". I've got 140 songs now for them to chose from now. I love guitar's sociability. Violin can be so lonely.
Oooh. I know some of those songs. Can't play 'em, but I can sing 'em. Pity we're so far apart, you'd love our Friday night club. :)
*waves frantically*
Good to see you here!!
ps. I would love it, I know.
Maybe we can have an online folk club one day?
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