My neighbour Max and I agree.
It's a gorgeous Saturday, cold and sunny.
I love cold weather. Cheerful in his tracksuits and pink beenie, my neighbour Max and I agree, as he stands in the garden in the light drizzle; "It's beautiful weather. It just couldn't be better." Says Max. And me.
There's a meeting on right now at the Bugsplat Food Co-op, but I'm wagging it... coz... I'm feeling so cosy. I don't want to go and sit on bad chairs in a circle on cold concrete and listen to the usual ego trips banging on and pity the people who actually run the place. Besides all that, I tend to end up with jobs when I go to these meetings and I have too much to do already. Next week is stocktake and we're getting ready for the end of financial year. There are many acccounts to mess up and people to confuse. I'm a very busy girl.
I can't be doing that stuff for free.
There are five white ducks in the back lane. I like them. Max likes to complain about them. There are lemons falling over the fence into the abandoned garden across the lane. It's almost the end of apple season.
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