Saturday, April 15, 2006


The Surreal-o-meter at work this week spun wildly for a while and finally settled on Extreme Fire Danger. Monday was foul. Tuesday was awful and attending the board meeting was a mistake.

Difficult Person: So, I ask again, as I do every month, where are the financial reports?
Polly: (holding them up) Right here, same as every month. See, HERE. These five pages.
Difficult Person's nice friend who is also on the Board: Every month we ask for financial reports. Why all the secrecy?
Polly: (waving reports) Right here. Same as every month. Please, read them.
Difficult Person: It is surely not unreasonable for me to ask the Manager for the financial reports?

That wasn't so much a board meeting as a ride in a billy cart. Downhill. A really bad billy cart. No brakes, wobbly wheels, sharp bits of metal protruding from the joins.

It must have been pretty bad. I was getting sympathy calls in the morning.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

Note: The "surreal-o-meter" differs from the "squirrel-o-meter" in that, rather than measure the influence of squirrels, it measures the influence of surreals.

There is occasional overlap.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

You are a gorgeous man.

I say.


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