Saturday, April 29, 2006

Chinese Whispers.

It's Saturday so we're wearing our new (to us) striped coat. It's a great coat. We got it in Bigsplat but it's just the kind of coat we ought to have found in Artseaside City and unless we make a conscious effort to remember that we got it in Bigsplat we find that we're assuming it came from Artseaside City last weekend and not Bigsplat this Thursday just gone.
And we want to remember because we don't want to accidentally answer "Artseaside City" if Naomi or Nadia asks about the coat or assumes it came from there, because then, when we remembered that no, despite the fact that it's a marvellous coat and not the kind of coat usually found in a Bigsplat Op Shop, that is where we found it and then we'd have to go and tell them that actually we found it in a Bigsplat Op Shop and not at Artseaside City.
Does it matter?
Sri Ramakrishna thinks so.
He said that if you go for a walk in the forest because you need to pee and tell someone that's why you're going for a walk in the forest and then you come back and haven't peed you should tell them that in fact, when it came to it no peeing occurred.
I'm sure, being a divine being, he probably said it a lot better than that

Being sincere is too easy for us, so easy I don't trust us. Knowing what the truth is can be difficult. For us, memory is rarely our very own and is usually received as whispers.
And we all know how that goes.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger emmajeans said...

Oh, yes!
Yes, yes, yes.
(so many times I've been laughed at for telling the truth as I know it; so many times people have said, 'but I *saw* you!' after hearing my denial. so much easier to concoct a believable explanation. who knows... it might even be the truth, as far as I can tell!)

At 11:22 AM, Blogger emmajeans said...

P.S. What is the jacket like?!

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

Hey, I just realised that a line in "Chinese Whispers";

"I'm sure, being a divine being, that he said it much better than that."

COULD, at a stretch, be interpreted to mean that I am claiming confidence on account of ME being a divine being.
This is the kind of grammatical ambiguity that can create doctrinal schism.

The jacket is fabulous. It's plum coloured with the occasional white pinstripe (not too many) and has lovely clean lines. It fastens at the neck with a neat little button and a very minimal collar - rather like the collar on a pair of chinese style silk pjamas. You know - neat and tidy, no flappy bits.


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