Sunday, July 23, 2006

A poem. jumps

This is a poem by Kevin Gilam, one of the three poets who replaced John Kinsella;


goes fishing.
off a bridge.
catches one.
into the bucket.
and flicking.
eyes unblinking.
come with me.
to the river.
and love.
forgets why it came.
and jumps

(punctuation as the poet would have it)


At 6:28 PM, Blogger Penn said...

Hi Polly,

I had the most terrible day and I wanted to share it with someone.

I have the most delibitating social problem with people that I think are judging me. And today I had to work in the lab with some such person and I totally humilliated myself by being unable to hold my hand steady while doing a particularly hand still demanding job.

And it wasn't just a wobble. It was an all out fit. And it kept getting worse, and he watched, and I wobbled and he watched. And I could see he was there something wrong with her...

And then I fled to my office where I tried to stiffel the rage I felt because I could not conquer this thing of thinking that I was going to fuck up and fucking up becuase I though I would and myself somewhere inside like in a walnut just...thrashing about on the edges of this dim thing that is supposed to be called me...

But between me (the walnut) and all the outside there is this great bloody woody shell and I cannot make myself do the thingsI know I can do. There is a great mound of jelly between me and it and I can't stop what goes on out there.

But before he came (the one that is supposed to judge me but probably doesn't and its all in my mind) i was disecting the tiniest flowers under a microscope and my hands then....not a flinch.

So sorry.

Had to tell someone.

(I am losing opportunities I really want though I know I could make the most of them...the jelly says No that I Can't and you see, it is all going down the drain)

I will get back to your blog now.

Sorry to jump in on you like that.

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Polysemous said...

jump in anytime.



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