Sunday, October 28, 2007

Drunk on Election Night.

I'm pretty sure there'll be no need for a repeat of The Great Drowning of Sorrow of 1996, but as a precautionary measure I have taken a vow of teetotal. I shall be weeping (tears of sorrow or fear) into my tea, no doubt. Our friend is having a 50th birthday party and it is Monty Python themed and there's no television so I expect I'll be sneaking over to their neighbour's house (dressed as perhaps A Duck or A Witch or A Newt That Got Better) to check out the lay of the land.

So tell me, what will you be doing on Election Night?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cheers, Doris.

The news that one of my favourite writers, Doris Lessing, has won the Nobel Prize for Literature has been bracing and cheering. I am delighted. She is a system wide favourite of ours - popular with absolutely everyone here at Polly HQ - not all her books for all of us, but all of us love something of hers. Something for everyone.

We like to flirt with the idea that Doris Lessing is multiple, like us. The Jane Somer books are so different from The Good Terrorist which is so different from the amazing Shikasta series. And if you look for it, like we do, in the writing itself, evidence is everywhere.

Multiple or not, congratulations Doris.